Why Juicing?

Alright yall asked for it…

A little back story first ~

At 12 years old I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease & have been fighting the symptoms from that my whole life & will continue to do so. I’ll open up about that another day, but for now that is what has lead me to this whole juicing thing.

I have contemplated juicing for a while & some people at work told me to just go for it. So, here we are.

My Juicer

Well first off, if you are searching for a juicer that is cheap, yet AMAZING then the Hamilton Beach Juicer off amazon is the one to go for! If you have done any research you know juicers can get very expensive and detailed. However, the reviews on this one is unbelievable & I can now attest for how great it is at grinding the whole fruit or veggie up. Also, the clean up is SUPER easy. It comes with a little brush to actually wash the blade, but all the other parts are dishwasher safe.

EASY CLEAN UP TIP: place a grocery bag in the back compartment and all the leftovers will go in there. Take the bag out and BOOM CLEAN!


According to the Mayo Clinic, drinking freshly made juices, your body can absorb the nutrients better than eating whole fruits and vegetables. Juicing extracts the juice from fresh organic fruits or veggies. The liquid contains most of the vitamins, minerals and plant chemicals found in them. However, whole fruits and vegetables also have healthy fiber, which is lost during most juicing. They say that juicing can reduce your risk of cancer, boost your immune system {WHICH IS ONE OF MY MAIN REASONS}, help remove toxins from your body, aid digestion and help you lose weight. Not only does juicing help to prevent and protect against disease, but it also empowers the body with energy and a clear mind.

And… I also read in a couple different places that juicing can help with the thyroid disease overall, so why not give it a shot?

My Experience

I have had my juicer for about a month, so I can share with you my short term effects, but not long term yet. I try to drink it in the morning on an empty stomach and before food. BUT sometimes life happens and I drink it in the afternoon or evening & honestly haven’t been consistent in that aspect to tell a difference. No matter what time I drink it, I notice more energy, less bloating, and mentally ready to take on the day.

Since I receive the energy boost from it, I try not to drink it too late into the evening because I notice I cant fall asleep. Which is so crazy to me because I can drink coffee and go straight to sleep… hmmm. The bloating part is also big for me because my digestion system doesn’t work like a “normal” person. After drinking the juice, I can tell my bloating is down in about 30 to 60 minutes afterwards. Lastly, mentally I’m ready to take on anything (kinda like a pre workout lol), so another reason not to drink it at night. Those are my 3 main take aways from drinking it as of now!

As for my immune system, time will only be able to tell. We are going through this rough pollen right now in GA and its thick and nasty. So, I’ll be able to give you an update on that later on, but I’m praying this will also help me fight little viruses I tend to pick up and especially the big coronavirus right now. (Fingers Crossed // Stay Home for people like me with autoimmune disorders pleaseeeee).

Last but not least, I will be able to tell you how it physically affected my thyroid levels after I have been juicing a little longer. I get my blood drawn every 6 months to make sure my hormone levels are where they are supposed to be. They have been pretty steady for about 5 or so years. Im definitely interested to see where they are when I go back over summer time after juicing everyday.

I hope this helps if you have been contemplating this. My favorite recipes are coming next!! Stay tuned & subscribe to my news letters below :)



Paleo Lifestyle


Hiii From Quarantine!