Hiii From Quarantine!

I’m hoping you are reading this & you are healthy and safe at home. It’s a new week, a fresh start, & 1 day closer to this being over!!

I’m drinking my coffee thinking about what I can clean today or do around our apartment to keep me from going CRAY CRAY! Atlanta is now on a “lockdown” meaning we can’t leave our apartment unless its for an essential trip. AKA the grocery store or work… L.O.L!!! Im sure, like me, you have had a crazy few weeks coming to terms with everything going on around us. I feel like I have gone through every emotion possible. Denial. Fear. Joy. Disappointment. Excitement. Anger. Sadness. Loneliness. && I want you to know that ITS OKAY to feel these emotions, you are human after all. You are not the only one.

If you need ideas for how to stay present & calm during this time here are some things I have done: Cooked, cleaned, washed endless amount of dishes, watched hours of HULU, read, listened to podcasts, completed a 1000 piece Turner Field puzzle { what a throw back for all my ATLiens :) }, turned our closet to spring/summer clothes, washed laundry, attempted the #koalachallenge on TIK TOK, walked Diesel outside, planted flowers, laughed, loved, & even shed some tears. && I’m sure our list will continue to grow considering this lockdown is for 14 days at least. So, I want to hear from you in the comments below; what have you done during this quarantine? Gimme more ideas!!

I have also started a new routine because after all this will be our normal for a while. So, with my coffee in the mornings, I have been reading my daily devotional to start my day off with positivity and a sense of reflection. Also, to remind myself that this will pass & we will get through this. God has us in his hands. A certain verse has stood out to me and keeps replaying in my head, so I just wanted to share it with yall as well:

ISAIAH 26:20


The Bible explains things like this will happen on Earth. Butttt… this verse is a little crazy because on March 26, 2020 (the section {26} & verse {20}) I read this &……. WOW it gave me chills.

COVID-19 has really affected Bryce & I along with many others in the world. I am praying for all those who are working the frontline, fighting the actual virus, & the ones being laid off.

Please stay in and listen to our government this will pass quicker if we all do our part. I know we will get bored {because I already am lol} or lonely, but WE HAVE to flatten the curve or we will not have the medical supplies to take care of OUR loved ones. I know you want to see your family & friends, but if you don’t live with them then just call or FaceTime them. You might have the virus and not even know it!! Some people don’t show any symptoms, yet carry it and pass it along.

I hope this gives you some hope and ideas on what to do during this time. HAVE A GREAT, PRODUCTIVE WEEK :)



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